My rating: 5 of 5 stars
5 amazing stars!
Let me begin by saying, again, that I love Tahereh's writing. It's so uniquely beautiful!
Unravel Me begins right where Shatter Me left off. Juliette, Adam and James learn to adjust to their surroundings at Omega Point.
I had such high hopes that Juliette would finally feel like she was somewhere she belongs at Omega Point; unfortunately she quickly begins to feel like an outcast again - like she's a monster that everyone is scared of. With a little help (shove) from her friends, she quickly learns that there's no time to sit around moping; the enemy is at their doorstep and there's no time to waste.
Juliette learns more about her abilities while at Omega Point. She begins to learn just how powerful she truly is; what an asset (or enemy) she could potentially be.
Thankfully Adam learns exactly what his ability is pretty early on in the book; why Juliette is able to touch him.
I'd love to tell you that Adam and Juliette's relationship blossoms in Unravel Me, but such is not the case. Their relationship (or lack there of) frustrated me several times throughout the book... COMMUNICATION PEOPLE!! It's important for relationships to work. But it wasn't all frustration, there were some steamy parts... well ok, I guess that's still frustration, but a different kind ;)
Kenji... I freaking love Kenji. I think I can dub him my favorite character in the books. He's so funny, but when its time to get serious, the boy can get serious (but keeps things light).
Then there's Warner... I haven't read Destroy Me and maybe that's why I don't love him. Because yeah, I don't. He's a killer, he's a manipulator and he's a liar (there are more "bad guy" qualities about him I'm sure, I just can't think of them :D) Fine, fine... when he's with Juliette he's pretty freaking hot and has his sweet moments, but HE'S THE ENEMY!!
I loved this book and I'm sure this review hardly does it justice. Just know that you should definitely read it. I'm anxious for the next book, of course!
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